
The increasing importance of analysing and comprehending our skies, including known and yet-to-be-identified elements, underscores the pressing demand for such information to be openly accessible and verifiable. This is all the more relevant in a time where governments and international institutions opaquely decide what information is suitable for release to the masses, and what is to be withheld.

Transparency, scrutiny, and improved comprehension through observation are foundational to the Skeye project and what make it so paramount - powered by a global grid of user-owned and controlled, highly functional sky-facing cameras, Skeye will demystify and identify what occupies and navigates our atmosphere.

It’s time to peer deep into the cryptic unknown with inquisitive eyes, to gather reliable data and make informed decisions and draw informed conclusions. Our data will stand firmly grounded as we point our eyes, cameras and curiosity towards the skies in the hopes of understanding more.

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